Brown Sugar - Kirstentacular

Brown Sugar

     Ok, I know this does not look like Kirsten. Not only am I wearing a dark skin, but I also changed the features on my face as well....

     Ok, I know this does not look like Kirsten. Not only am I wearing a dark skin, but I also changed the features on my face as well. I am an alterego blogger and the exclusive skin at The Mesh Body Addicts Fair is Lana in havana and brown sugar (shown) which are two of the darker skin tones in the alterego skin line. Each skin comes with 5 brows, cleavage options, and appliers for Nyam Nyam, Loudmouth, Sweetlips, and Kissers. Other body and body part appliers are sold separately. Although not normally me, this skin is gorgeous and I really like being able to add this kind of variety to my blog so that more people can find things they want and love. I have friends in SL that have looked for darker skin tones and often had trouble finding a tone they liked. They reported to me that it was sometimes hard to find dark skin tones that were not chalky and grey and had good definition and details. These exclusive skins from alterego, as you can see, are smooth and really well done. If you are in the market for a darker skin tone, definitely try the alterego exclusive skins at MBA. 

     I am also wearing a ViVi applier bikini, SlackGirl eyeshadow, and Lambda original mesh shoes. I am way into chevron pattern right now, so this bikini was a hit for me. I also really like how the gold rings in the shoes and bikini coordinate effortlessly like they were made to go together when really they are from two different designers. You can find all four or these exclusives at The Mesh Body Addicts Fair from August 1 through 21st. 

Shoes: Lambda Designs -ENA - SLINK feet (high) @ The Mesh Body Addicts Fair
Skin: alterego lana - bsugar [black] @ The Mesh Body Addicts Fair
Eyeshadow: SlackGirl:: Lea Eyeshadow 08 @ The Mesh Body Addicts Fair
Bikini: { ViVi } Brianna - Chevron Stripes Bikini - Black @ The Mesh Body Addicts Fair / Main Store
Hair: Magika Awake
Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.3
Pose 1: Juxtapose - Liquid Courage 1

Decor Items: 
8f8 - Driftwood CHAIR
[we're CLOSED] wooden sofa white
HeadHunter's Island Natural Beach Hut (S5) MESH
dust bunny . beach bag . chevron
MishMish - Pineapple Juice Dispenser (pink)
MishMish - Dancing Pineapple (blue) wear or rez

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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