Kirsten's Windlights 2014 - Kirstentacular

Kirsten's Windlights 2014

        I have given away some windlights that you can download the last two years for Christmas to all of Second Life. I currently ha...

        I have given away some windlights that you can download the last two years for Christmas to all of Second Life. I currently have 8 windlights that you can download. Today I am adding three new ones that I have made over this year, bringing the total to 11 Kirsten windlights. I am putting them all together in one easy download. The picture above uses my Kirsten's Snow Day windlight.  I am also wearing Physique fitted mesh from Muka. My sweater is fitted to Physique at the current round of anyBody and my thigh high socks can be found there or in the main Muka store. My glittery shoes are new from Reign at anyBody.

 The other two new windlights are called Sweet Pink and Kirsten's Favorite Location Haze. Snow Day and Haze are close, but Snow Day is foggier and thicker and a little bit brighter white. These three windlights are not for studio shots. They were made for exploring SL! So get off your platform and take some pretty ethereal shots! If you do use my windlights, please let me know with a comment or plurk or something. Thanks!

Pictures taken using Snow Day: one, two, three, four, five, six.
Pictures taken using Location Haze: one, twothree.
Pictures taken using Sweet Pink: one, two, three, four.
Winglights 2013 pictures are here.
Windlights 2012 pictures are here.

Download all 11 Kirsten's Windlights Here (Click the word Options, Click Download):

*MUKA* Cozy Sweater - Dusky2 - Slink Physique Wide @ anyBody
*MUKA* Thigh Socks - Slink Physique @ anyBody and Main Muka store
.aisling. Zak - Reindeer @ Arcade december
Hair: .ploom. Faye (large) - Blondes/ Teleport to ploom
Izzie's - Reindeer Antlers & Ears @ Dressing Room Fusion
Izzie's - Rudolph's Sparkly Nose (glow) @ Dressing Room Fusion
Shoes: REIGN.- Mina Heels 2.0- (SLINK)- TAN @ anyBody
Glam Affair - December skin - Jamaica 03 @ Arcade December
Pose1: Eternal Dream Alea 4
Pose 2: Everglow Sweet 10

Merry Christmas Second Life!
Love, Kirsten Corleone

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  1. Hi Kirsten,
    Thank you for taking the time to make all of these wonderful windlight settings and even more for sharing them with us via zip file. That's really cool of you and appreciated.I haven't tried them yet but can see the potential from your photographs. Again,it's much appreciated. Brit Applewhyte (aka britcali resident in SL)

    1. You are welcome! After you try them, please let me know what you think and share pictures you make using them. <3 Kirsten


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