Kirsten's Digits and Basics April 2015 - Kirstentacular

Kirsten's Digits and Basics April 2015

     Mesh Bodies have changed our second life drastically in many ways. One way is the possibility to break away from standard sizes an...

     Mesh Bodies have changed our second life drastically in many ways. One way is the possibility to break away from standard sizes and be the shapes we want. With applier clothing and mesh fitted to the fitted mesh avatars, the possibility to be unique in our size and shape AND still be able to wear the newest clothing has not been this possible since before mesh hit the fashion scene. I am super excited about the possibilities! I am wearing two mesh bodies: Maitreya Lara and Slink Physique: and I have made two shapes for each body that I am using regularly at least as my base shape. I still need a standard size shape because I have so much clothing only in those sizes and many designers are still only making standard sizes as well. However, I find myself wearing my curvy shapes as much as possible because I prefer them in every way. Welcome to my Digits for 2015!

     So there are my digits for 2015 and how they have changed as I wear mesh bodies. Basically I had to change my digits for the different bodies to get the same look of "me" that I wanted.  I am so much happier with fitted mesh bodies. It is a huge improvent over the regular avatar and also over the zero body fat and zero torso needed for Azz and Lolas (that I wore last year).  

     I also wanted to mention that my height is 40 on the sliders which is drastically changed from last year. My five foot four is also the height in the game just on your game window when you look at your shape and not with that ruler. It would probably be higher with the ruler, but I have always though the ruler measured too high. I finally changed from super tall and got with the times, lol. 

I have participated in all five of Berry's Digit Challenges:
Digits 1- Before Standard Sizes 2011
Digits 2- Standard Size Mesh 2012
Digits 3- Proportions 2013
Digits 4- Boobs and Azz 2014

      The lingerie that I am wearing in this post is brand new from Dabble Dooya. You get all three floral prints as well as Maitreya, Physique, and Omega appliers in your 50L purchase. The seams are beautiful (because I don't let Hiram sell them til they are and I am very picky). I had him go back and fix seams at least three or four times because I think they should be perfect and I am not happy until they are. He hand draws them including every flower petal and I think his drawing skills are just stunning. On the appliers, you get the full set, bra by itself, panties alone, garter alone, and stockings alone- all of which can be mixed and applied separately. 

1) Do you currently own a mesh body? If so, do you wear it all the time or just once in a while? I own Slink Physique and Maitreya Lara. I wear one of those all the time. I will never be in the regular system avatar nor wear system layer anything ever again. 

2) What is your preferred mesh body available on the market right now? I can't pick one. I honestly love both Physique and Lara. There are things I like more and less on each of them and reasons I feel I need them both. For example, I like the torso and waist of Physique best, but I like the hips and butt of Maitreya best. Fitted mesh that is made for bodies seems to fit Physique better and so I wear that more often with fitted mesh. I believe this is because Siddean Munro (genius business woman that she is) has given actual fitted mesh developers kits to creators and it is my understanding all of the "fitted to Maitreya" is experimental and just best guesses unless you get it from Maitreya. 

3) Have you changed your shape since you started wearing the body? Definitely and changed it for each body. You can go look at my Digits 4 post and compare it to this one to see the differences the mesh bodies have made specifically. 

4) How do you feel about mesh bodies in general? I was asking for them about a year before the first ones were made. I think they are the best things to hit the grid. I actually PREFER the alpha cuts to using alphas that you wear as we used to do. I like it better in every possible way.  The things others sometimes say are drawbacks with the bodies, I disagree with usually on every point. 

5) What is the one thing you would request from designers when it comes to mesh bodies? Only one? I have a list, lol. 
          1. Onyx- please send out developer kits for Maitreya Lara to every designer that is making fitted mesh
          2. Let's stop making standard sizes for good. I see no point in them continuing. Please make fitted mesh sizes to a few of the fitted mesh bodies. I want to see an end to standard sizes once and for all!
          3. I need fitted mesh boots in every style, shape, color, and texture. I need thigh high latex (not just shiny) boots fitted to Maitreya and Physique. MORE BOOTS, ALL THE BOOTS! Please make boots that you have made exactly to the alpha cuts available on the bodies and test them with those alpha cuts before selling them. 
          4. All designers, make everything, clothing, shoes, boots fitted to mesh bodies. Concentrate on that and make items with the body and the body alpha cuts in mind as you design. 

Kirsten's Basics 2015 (all the things I wear and might not list in my blog posts):

Hair: I thought hair changed last year. This year it seemed like almost every designer redid their hair textures and I seemed to need all the new blond textures. My list of hair stores has grown substantially since last year. Like last year all hair is now HUD based so I will include a picture of all the various HUD's and the colors I click most often.  I now wear mostly Truth, Exile, ploom, Magika, Clawtooth, Tableau Vivant, lamb, and Mina. 

Skin: I wear Glam Affair Jamaica, Izzie's Natural, and Pink Fuel Apricot (not released yet) the most.

Eyes: I still can't find any eyes that I like better than IKON. I try on others because I like variety and I like to shop but I never wear others for long and always go back to IKON. My favorites are Vanity Eyes- Azure, Ardent Eyes- Skyfall, and my new current favorite Sovereign Eyes- Blue.

Lashes: My favorite lashes are the same as last year, Mon Cheri Falsies. I still wear the glitter mascara the most. I wear style 2 in black glitter the most.   

Shape: My shape was made by me in 2006 with tweaks over the years. See my digits above for the 2015 Kirsten shape. =)

Feet and Hands: I always wear Slink. I own almost all the hands and all three versions of slink feet. I LOVE the 2.0 update with the Hand and Feet in the same Utilities HUD and the ability to paint each nail separately. I love ALL of the slink updated items; they are so well done. I wear Slink even with other bodies and shoe systems (N-core) because I like the textures on the appliers the best. 

Fitted Mesh Bodies: Last year I was wearing Lolas and Cute Azz. I am so much happier with mesh bodies. I am always wearing a mesh body of some kind. You will never see me in my blog posts as the default avatar. I am either wearing Maitreya Lara or Slink Physique. 

HUDS: I usually have my screen filled with HUDS. At a minimum I have either the Maitreya Lara or Large Slink Physique HUD, the Slink Hands and Feet Utilities HUD, Anypose Basic, and my AO. 

AO: Vista Animations Cosmopolitan I blogged it here.

Lipgloss: Blacklace Beauty Pout Lipgloss

Mascara and Eyeliner: Boom Express Liner


Lingerie: Dabble Dooya Anastasia Lingerie *NEW* Marketplace
Lipgloss: Blacklace Beauty Pout  Gloss
Eyeliner: *BOOM* Express Liner
Eyelashes: *Mon Cheri* "Falsies" Eyelash - Upper+Lower
Pose HUD: AnyPose Basic HUD v1.52 (all bloggers need this, imo)
Shoes: N-core ENDLESS "Fatpack" for SLink High Feet
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High V2.1
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2 - Casual
Feet and Hands HUD: Slink AvEnhance Hands and Feet FEMALE Utilities HUD V2
Body 1: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.0
Body 1 HUD: Maitreya Mesh Body - HUD V3.0 Lara
Body 2: Slink Physique Mesh Body V2.3.1
Body 2 HUD: Slink Physique Utilities (alpha and layers) HUD V2.0 LARGE
Hair: TRUTH  Nayeli
Skin: Glam Affair - Amberly Skin - Lovely Day [ Jamaica ] 02
Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes - Blue (ML)
Pose: Aushka & Co Olivia 5 and 5M

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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  1. Thanks for suggesting the meme again!

  2. This post is totally awesome!!! I wish I had found your blog earlier. Still so much to learn. Thanks a lot!


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