Catwa Jessica Mesh Head - Kirstentacular

Catwa Jessica Mesh Head

           I have tried a bunch of mesh heads and they never felt like me. From the moment I tried on the new Catwa Jessica mesh hea...

     I have tried a bunch of mesh heads and they never felt like me. From the moment I tried on the new Catwa Jessica mesh head, it felt like me. I have always said that I would not buy a mesh head until it had normal (not downturned or oddly shaped) lips and expressions. I found both of those and so much more in the new Catwa Jessica Mesh Head. I love it! I made a video showing this head and have more pictures to include in this blog post as well. I hope you enjoy watching/ looking at them. Here is a collage I made with all of the cute expressions that come with this head. 

     So cute! I also played with the makeup layers in the WoW head applier that I am wearing as well as some of the included eyeliner in the Catwa Hud so you can see both the expression and some makeup variation that is available in this mesh head. Next, I am going to add my video of the Catwa Jessica Mesh Head Review

Kirsten's Catwa Jessica Head Product Review Video

Lashes and Eyeshadow together known issue and solution

Updates in the Catwa Jessica Head V4

List of Skin makers that have made appliers for the Catwa Jessica Mesh Head

alterego Tiana Caramel Catwa Head Applier

      This alterego collage really shows how you can make this head your own with the addition of your favorite skin applier. A skin applier can really change the look of the head. So far alterego has made this applier in caramel and also in the powder skin tone. I am hoping for a honey skin tone applier soon (since that is my favorite alterego skin tone). 

     Here is my full body look for today. I am wearing the new Neve embrace dress that is part of the Mix event this month. This dress comes in four diffenent texture options and each one comes with a four texture change hud as well. I show that in my video after the Catwa head review. My shoes are new by Livalle at the SaNaRae event. These high wedges are available in 11 colors. You can see these in my video as well and a close up of some of the features like the materials enabled textures. 

     Well, I am officially mesh from head to toe now! I have heard that Pink Fuel will be releasing appliers this weekend, although I have not seen them yet- just some tempting teaser pictures in plurk so far. It is on the LOGO mesh head in those plurk pictures, but I really hope it will be Omega compatible so I can wear it with my Catwa head too. I can't wait to get a pink fuel skin on this head! I want a Glam Affair one too! I am Catwa head/ skin crazy right now,lol. Seriously though skin makers- make Omega head appliers. Both Catwa and Logo are now Omega compatible. 

Mesh Head: CATWA HEAD Jessica V4
Mesh Head Hud: CATWA HEAD HUD V4
Head Applier 1:.::WoW Skins::. Anais Tan Catwa applier (Video 13:40-15:35)
Head Applier 2:((alterego)) tiana caramel - catwa applier/ Teleport  (Video 15:56-17:09)
Jewelry: (Kunglers Extra) Iracy Set- Amber (Video 19:12- 19:50)
Mesh Eyes: IKON Triumph Eyes - Sky/ Teleport
Dress: neve dress - embrace fade - Physique/ Teleport (Mix Event) (Video 19:50-22:03)
Attached: Slink Hands, High Feet, Physique/ Teleport
Hair: TRUTH Carrie
Shoes: {Livalle} Ellie -High Strapped Wedges- Navy (Slink)/ @ SaNaRae (Video 22:03-23:45)
Pose: NanTra Syzygy 3/ Teleport

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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