Slink Physique Male - Kirstentacular

Slink Physique Male

      I feel like I have been waiting on the male version of Slink Physique for Hiram forever. I think that is mainly because I wanted...

      I feel like I have been waiting on the male version of Slink Physique for Hiram forever. I think that is mainly because I wanted him to have it so badly! We went and bought it on it's release day, but then had to wait for skin makers to start making appliers, lol, because neither of us can be bothered to tint the old fashioned way (although you CAN if you want to with this body). As of today I know of these (regular, human) skinners making appliers for Slink and/or Omega that will work with the body: Adam N Eve, Birth, Navaro, 7 Deadly Skins, and Tableau Vivant. One of Hiram's favorite skins, Hermony, suddenly closed- without much notice or warning to it's skin customers. It was a shock to us when we went to look for a Slink applier and the store was gone. I think it was a very poor business decision on the creator's part because I really think he would be selling tons of appliers and skins this week with the release of the Slink male body. 

     I really love the shape of the Slink Male body and the smooth edges and curves. It is so nice to have Hiram in a mesh body too. The one difficulty we have found so far is that his clothing is not fitting his new body very well. I was really surprised by that because when I first bought my slink physique I was able to wear pretty much all of my clothing with alphas and an occasional slight shape tweak. Hiram's clothing is not fitting so significantly that a shape tweak won't be enough. The waist area of all his pants is way to huge and trying to adjust his shape is not working. Also his shoulder and neck area is not working with clothing well either. So far, we have had little luck getting his previous standard size clothing to fit. The pants he has on (in the first picture) are brand new fitmesh made specifically for the Slink body from Lapointe and Bastchild. They work really well with the body and we can't wait for more designers to make more fitmesh for Slink too. Hiram, in his usual amazing self while taking everything in stride, said, "Time to get a whole new wardrobe."

Slink Physique Male Tips:
  • Make your body fat zero (or no more than 5) and use width and individual muscles to bulk up instead
  • Get your Slink feet and hands redelivered (or buy them) so that they work with Omega and this body best. 
  • Wear the XS hands and the Physique labeled feet
  • Join the Omega group (free to join) and you can get the Slink relay HUD for only 1L in world
  • When you use the Omega Hud, click the Omega Hud first, then click whatever applier you are using (definitely needed the very first time you use omega on a body part). 
  • When you apply clothing or tattoos, you have to turn on the clothing or tattoo layers in the Physique HUD.

      NanTra is at Designer Showcase this month with a series of couple poses called, Peace, Love, and Wine. You can see all three in this post because I really like these cute romantic picnic poses and I wanted to take pictures with Hiram and his sexy new mesh body (woohoo). My Kaithleen's dress is new and can be found in 12 colors or patterns at the 24 event. This original mesh dress comes with a fitmesh size for Maitreya and Physique mesh bodies. Finally my simple and cute fortune cookie necklace is by Cae and an exclusive item for this month's Mix event. Happy shopping!

On Kirsten:
Necklace: Cae :: Fortune :: Necklace *MIX* / Teleport
Hair: Exile::Bewitched  @ collabor88 September
Dress: Kaithleen's Serena Dress - Pink maitreya @ 24 event
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.3
Shoes: CandyDoll Oxygen II Dahlia
Skin: [Pink Fuel] Morgana <Apricot> - Makeup #1 (blondebrow) RARE @ Arcade September
Eyes: IKON Triumph Eyes - Sky

On Hiram: 
Hair: Exile::Take It Easy
Pants: L&B S'Wear  (*Fitted* SLINK) "Harness" Leather Pants
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands MALE V2.2 - Relaxed
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Male Feet PHYSIQUE Flat Left
Body: Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body Release 1
Boots: [ hoorenbeek ] Engineer Boots - Men - Black
Skin: NIVARO- Sven Skin - springtone
Eyeliner: Flirt - Guy Liner 1
Skin applier: *Nivaro* Omega Appliers - Body Skin - Spring HUD
HUD: Omega System Installer - Slink
Eyes: IKON Horizon Eyes v2 - Azure

Couple Poses: NanTra Peace, Love, and Wine @ Designer Showcase

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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