2007 - Kirstentacular

1) Flirts Lounge Too- Pink Jammies with Pink Bunny Slippers 2) **SIP** Latin Dancing Dresses- We are all ST...

1) Flirts Lounge Too- Pink Jammies with Pink Bunny Slippers 2) **SIP** Latin Dancing Dresses- We are all STARS in SL and now we can dance with them in this sassy latin dancing costume. It comes in 3 different color choices, black and silver pictured. Salsa anyone? 3) **SIP** Houndstooth Day to Night Suit- Houndstooth is big in the fashion industry this season, and its uber cute in this sexy suit. It comes with a jacket, skirt, cami, and back lined thigh highs. 4) **SIP** Red Romance- Flirty and romantic, but still with sex appeal sums up this...

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ON July 8 th I posted the first blog entry, on a blog.com blog: "I opened Sexy in Pink about two months ago on April 29, 2007. We had ...

ON July 8th I posted the first blog entry, on a blog.com blog: "I opened Sexy in Pink about two months ago on April 29, 2007. We had an excellent grand opening party! Since then I have almost doubled the amount of designs offered in the store, remodeled and expanded the store, and had so much FUN doing it all!! I am not really sure how to customize this blog, lol, but I am sure i will figure it out eventually! I hope to keep you all informed about new products, sales, and events through this blog, as...

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