New Pink Coat - Kirstentacular

New Pink Coat

          Some people said, Arcade is still a thing? Yes! I have always loved playing gacha machines. The reason I still play? This coat. I ...


        Some people said, Arcade is still a thing? Yes! I have always loved playing gacha machines. The reason I still play? This coat. I reeeaallllyyyy wanted it and to pull for it and get it is VERY FUN! So it is winning Rare items like this that make playing gacha fun for me personally. My outfit today is in the Luas machine for December Arcade. Most of the things I am wearing are common items and these boots with socks are super cute and relatively easy to get in five different colors. Do you still like to play Gacha machines in SL? 

Hat: Luas Akali Beret Pink @ Arcade December 2020

Boots: Luas Akali Boots Pink @ Arcade December 2020

Coat: Luas Akali Coat RARE @ Arcade December 2020

Purse: Luas Akali Purse Pink @ Arcade December 2020

Rings: (Yummy) Eliza Ring Collection - Maitreya @ Collabor88 December

Hair: Exile:: Just For One Night

Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Face W001 

Nails: LIVIA // Mix It Square Nails (Maitreya)

Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3

Skin: [Pink Fuel] <Biscuit> - Gaia - GENUS - (ltbrow)

Pose: Everglow Sugar 7

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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