September 2012 - Kirstentacular

Shirt: cold Logic top lane blue Pants: cold Logic trouser eise taupe Shoes: PIA Victoria pumps beige Skin: Filthy Free gift- S...

Shirt: cold Logic top lane blue Pants: cold Logic trouser eise taupe Shoes: PIA Victoria pumps beige Skin: Filthy Free gift- September (Join fee) (only 2 days left) Jewelry: Chop Zuey free gift (Join fee) Hair: elikatira Spark             So, you probably noticed that I was not around August and most of September. I never am. I do not work in the summer and I can play a lot, and then I start back to work mid- August and I am so slammed that I can not play SL. I have not played...

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I found this slippery sexy latex outfit today from May Creations , a new to me store. It is 100% mesh and I have to say the texture detai...

I found this slippery sexy latex outfit today from May Creations, a new to me store. It is 100% mesh and I have to say the texture detail available on mesh makes latex look amazing! The top is in 5 standard sizes. The pants are not labeled that way but they come in 5 sizes and they seem close to standard sizing. I am normally a standard size medium and I am wearing size 3 pants and the M top. The pants are a bit small for me but covered up with the top. This size works best for me...

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I have never put a kitchen or a toilet in my SL home. They have always seemed like a waste of prims to me. Then I walked into collabor ...

I have never put a kitchen or a toilet in my SL home. They have always seemed like a waste of prims to me. Then I walked into collabor 88 and saw this all mesh purple kitchen and now I apparently have a kitchen in my SL home. I am certainly not going to cook. So I guess I can use it to pose in and look pretty.  Recently, I went to collabor88 and the chic management FAIR event and stuff that you see in the post come from both places.  Oh how I love tattoo layers. I...

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              I am six years old in SL today. It is hard to believe its been that long and yet it has flown by. I have done so much in S...

              I am six years old in SL today. It is hard to believe its been that long and yet it has flown by. I have done so much in SL and made so many connections that I know my life would be a little less without. The artistic creativity that I have enjoyed in SL is very important to me, but it's the people that I have come to care about that were the biggest surprise in my journey. Six years is a long time. I reflected on them today and...

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