Get Your September Powder Pack Catwa Lovers - Kirstentacular

Get Your September Powder Pack Catwa Lovers

        Have you pre-ordered your September  Powder Pack , Catwa lovers? There are only 7 days left until they will be released and...

        Have you pre-ordered your September Powder Pack, Catwa lovers? There are only 7 days left until they will be released and you can get them for only 1500L. After that the price doubles! We have one new-to-the (catwa) event store this round: The Face, Welcome to Powder Pack September! I am not familiar with this brand's products, so I am always excited to try something totally new-to-me. I am also excited that DeeTaleZ and Pumec are back in this month's round as well (since they missed a round or two), woohoo!  I do like the variety of brands though and that Powder Pack always changes it up a little and keeps it fresh! You can reserve a pack for yourself in world OR reserve a pack for you and your friend(s) on Marketplace. I love how easy gifting this pack is! I will see you after September 17th, for an unboxing video, right here on Kirstentacular

Powder Pack is thrilled to be featuring the following brands this month:

amara beauty
The Face

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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