Warm in Winter
11/29/2012Love this new sweater that just came out from coldLogic ! Sweater: coldLogic - taylor.pink Skirt: Sn@tch Mesh Fritzie Cord Mini...
My New Mesh Fingernails (and a dress)!
11/28/2012These nails are so much fun! I saw them on this blog post, here . I knew I needed them! You can find them on marketplace, here. They ar...
Black Friday Weekend
11/24/2012Seraphim kept me really busy yesterday. They made this amazing list of all the sales for this weekend and of course I had to check them ...
Fetish Friday: Red Devil Miss Risk
11/23/2012This new release from Red Devil Inc . was inspired by the real life Little Miss Risk, a fetish burlesque dancer who performs ma...
Happy Thanksgiving!
11/22/2012Skirt/ Jacket: WERTINA - Eva - Outfit Jacket & Skirt Thanksgiving dinner @ Perfect Wardrobe Shirt: The Secret Store Boheme wild...
Date Night
11/21/2012I found some sexy new things to share with you today, perfect for that hot date you have this weekend. This sweater was another pre...
On Top of the World
11/20/2012On Top of the World- an idiom that means very happy, and that's how I have been feeling lately. This Rebel Hope dress was a gift from...
Friendship 2012
11/19/2012Damien Fate made a friendship bear in 2003 out of old school prims and it circulated around the grid. I joined SL in 2006 a...
Desert Oasis
11/18/2012Well I had not taken a picture in this skybox yet and since its been on every other blog in SL, I was feeling left out, lol. No, reall...
Cupcakes Anyone?
11/17/2012I know it was not the point of the hunt, but these cupcakes with pink icing and a strawberry are super cute! I found that I could size ...
Fetish Friday: My Favorite MESH Latex Pants
11/16/2012I have been looking for mesh latex pants that I liked (high quality and great fit) for a long time. I have finally found a great pair m...
House of Curios
11/14/2012HOC has always been a place we could go to get some pretty good quality shoes for a low price. The really cool thing was not only...