July 2014 - Kirstentacular

The Secret Affair is in full swing from now til the end of the month with a delightful fantasy/ Medieval/ Midsommer Night's Dream ...

The Secret Affair is in full swing from now til the end of the month with a delightful fantasy/ Medieval/ Midsommer Night's Dream theme. When I saw the rares in the Alchemy machine, I knew they needed to be mine. They are called the white set but they seem to have a very soft hint of pink in them and I love that! The fantasy accessory set is simply beautiful and breathtaking. There are two rares: the fawn and the white set which includes the dress, filigree mask, choker, epaulets, and wrists all in one. Hiram was really...

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Glitter! This is some of the prettiest glittery eyeshadow ever! It is by Mons at the new round of Cosmetic Fair Summer . I don'...

Glitter! This is some of the prettiest glittery eyeshadow ever! It is by Mons at the new round of Cosmetic Fair Summer. I don't often change my eyes, but these new ones from adored at Cosmetic Fair are really pretty I think. My hair is by lamb at Hair Fair 2014. lamb has new blond colors and they are really beautiful! My sexy, lacy lingerie is new from Maai. It has lolas, azz, and wowmeh appliers available. It comes in pretty pastels (like I am wearing) and also darker colors too.  Teleport to lamb @ Hair Fair Teleport...

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It is a new round of Genre and this time the theme is Barouque. Kaithleen's made a modern take on the 17th century styles that do...

It is a new round of Genre and this time the theme is Barouque. Kaithleen's made a modern take on the 17th century styles that dominated this period of history by raising the hemline a bit but the patterns and shape harken to a time of cotillion balls. Also at the event is the very time period pose pack Sarabande by NanTra. They look like a graceful lady moving through those period dance steps. Everything at Genre is 100L or less during the monthly event.  I know that the expected hair would be high and white with rows...

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Kaithleen's is participating in Month of Games a new event featuring Candyland, Clue, and Chess. Kaithleens has three new exclusi...

Kaithleen's is participating in Month of Games a new event featuring Candyland, Clue, and Chess. Kaithleens has three new exclusive original mesh and texture outfits in each area of the event. I am wearing the design in the candyland section. It is a short sexy ruffled romper with a baroque texture that gives it an air of burlesque design.  I love Hair Fair because I usually find some new to me hair places. This year I found elua. I am very picky about blond colors and I love the light blond 2 in this store. I also fell...

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Eudora 3D has some really cute nautical inspired wedges with matching bags at the summer round of Season's Story . These are mediu...

Eudora 3D has some really cute nautical inspired wedges with matching bags at the summer round of Season's Story. These are medium slink add-on shoes. My hair is a new release from Truth which you can find in the main store.  Teleport to Season's Story Teleport to Truth Eudora 3D Mare Nostrum Tote Bag @ Season's Story Eudora 3D Mare Nostrum Wedges @ Season's Story Maxi Gossamer - Necklace - Beach Castaway Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands, Feet, Physique The Secret Store - Sailor Blouse - Blue Stripes The Secret Store - Sailor Hotpants - Navy/Solid TRUTH HAIR Xantheanne...

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ploom Carrie * Cae Kay ploom is at Hair Fair 2014 with four new releases and they are all really must haves. Two of them are updos ...

ploom Carrie * Cae Kay ploom is at Hair Fair 2014 with four new releases and they are all really must haves. Two of them are updos and the other two are long hairstyles. A girl can never have enough updos in her SLife. ploom is on the Brunette sim at Hair Fair til July 27th. Since I was taking close up hair pictures, I decided to accessorize with Cae's new jewelry releases. There will be two beautiful new sets in this post. Above is Kay which is available at Serafilms. The film this time is The Godfather...

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I have Letis Tattoo Unicorn on my right arm and Love & Hate on my left arm. Isn't that cool!? Letis Tattoo has updated many of...

I have Letis Tattoo Unicorn on my right arm and Love & Hate on my left arm. Isn't that cool!? Letis Tattoo has updated many of their tattoos for Slink Physique. They are in separate vendors underneath the regular tattoo vendor.  My hair is by ploom at OMG gacha. It is a great shaved head hair with lots of attitude and I like the hairbase that comes with it a lot. I have been wearing the hairbase with other hair too. OMG Gacha ends in three days, July 15th, so make sure you go pull your final machines...

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Kcreations has a brand new sexy release. A bustier and skirt set that comes in both leather and latex textures. It is fitted mesh so i...

Kcreations has a brand new sexy release. A bustier and skirt set that comes in both leather and latex textures. It is fitted mesh so it adjusts with the sliders. This outfit is also scripted to color change into an infinite number of colors via HUD. You can change the skirt and bustier together or separately. This set is also materials enabled and especially the latex version really shines.  Above in pink is the leather version in this set. Kcreations by Kat Fetisov is all original mesh, textures, and scripts. She is a really talented original artist and...

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It has been two weeks since I bought and blogged my Slink Physique for the first time . I made a standard size shape and a curvy shap...

It has been two weeks since I bought and blogged my Slink Physique for the first time. I made a standard size shape and a curvy shape, the latter I showed "au naturel" in my blog post. I have worn my body with a variety of mesh clothing and it works pretty well for many items. Today I am wearing my first partial mesh/ applier dress made for Slink Physique. This dress is a new release by Sassy! at The Big Show. I am super excited about an applier dress because I get to wear my larger curvier...

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NanTra poses made a really funny pose set called Til AFK Do We Part that is at OMG Gacha . People in second life tend to partner new ...

NanTra poses made a really funny pose set called Til AFK Do We Part that is at OMG Gacha. People in second life tend to partner new people often. It sometimes does become comical and this pose set depicts a girl walking up to a guy and placing a top hat on his head, donning a veil and flowers, then the guy suddenly notices and RUNS for the hills. Each pose comes with the bouquet, veil, and a top hat. These are two of the three rare poses in the machine and I think they are hilarious.  My dress...

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coldLogic is having a 50% off sale through July 10th. I tried to stay away but the allure of a 50% off sale is just too much for me. I...

coldLogic is having a 50% off sale through July 10th. I tried to stay away but the allure of a 50% off sale is just too much for me. I got a few things and I am wearing my Slink Physique with this outfit too. My shoes are new from Ducknipple and can be found in the main store. My cool watch is new from Sassy and can be found at OMG Gacha.  Teleport to Ducknipple Teleport to OMG Gacha Jewelry: Virtual Impressions Cheryl Set in Bronze & Peach & White Diamonds Shorts: coldLogic- fowler.blushing Top: coldLogic- collette.blushing...

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The Summer of Love Fair ends July 11th and there are a lot of cute fashions. I am wearing the adorable maxi dress by Sassy! that is exc...

The Summer of Love Fair ends July 11th and there are a lot of cute fashions. I am wearing the adorable maxi dress by Sassy! that is exclusively at this event. If you have not made it over, make sure you put it on your to-do list in the next 4 days. I really love this dress and it comes in 9 fun fabric patterns. If you buy the fatpack, you get one dress that changes via HUD into all the patterns.  My hair is new from Truth and I can't say enough about these rigged mesh braids...

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Liv Glam just had a huge two day fashion show this weekend with tons of new releases that are all exclusive or semi-exclusive mesh and...

Liv Glam just had a huge two day fashion show this weekend with tons of new releases that are all exclusive or semi-exclusive mesh and of course original textures and scripted HUDs. My dress and shoes are both new releases and can be found in the main store in the "Opium Collection" section. It is four rooms deep and my shoes are in the first room and my dress is in the fourth room. There are a ton of new, cute fashions. You should definitely go take a look.  My pose is new from ploom and can be...

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My catsuit is fitted mesh which means it will adjust to your sliders and what you see is my own individual shape with latex molded arou...

My catsuit is fitted mesh which means it will adjust to your sliders and what you see is my own individual shape with latex molded around perfectly. Not all sliders respond, but most do including important ones like your boobs. This is about as close as I think we are going to get in SL in seeing what it would really look like to put a latex catsuit on our avatar's shape. This is made by Lali's Nylon Pantyhose Hall and as you can probably guess the designers first fetish love is nylon and there is a lot...

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Dabble Dooya on Marketplace This adorable pillow has realistic 3D bunting decor in red, white, and blue all at 1 land impact. It ...

Dabble Dooya on Marketplace This adorable pillow has realistic 3D bunting decor in red, white, and blue all at 1 land impact. It is 100% Original Mesh and Textures. Get your free copy in the marketplace store, Dabble Dooya, today! Happy 4th of July! Love, Kirsten Corleone and Hiram Walker ...

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I am all ready for a 4th of July party. I have my sexy American flag bikini from Sassy exclusively at Lubbly Jubblies , my red and b...

I am all ready for a 4th of July party. I have my sexy American flag bikini from Sassy exclusively at Lubbly Jubblies, my red and blue balloons, and grilled food. Not from the USA? No problem! Sassy! has bikinis from 12 different countries with tons of appliers including the wowmeh mesh body. Whether you want to support your favorite team or show your colors in red white and blue for the 4th, Sassy has you covered (or uncovered, smirk) this summer. Teleport to Lubbly Jubblies ~Sassy!~ International bikini - US @ Lubbly Jubblies *L.inc* Cute Azz Lolas...

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I am having a tea party with all my stuffed friends that I have been collecting! I got the Atomic Panda Tea Party set in an assortment...

I am having a tea party with all my stuffed friends that I have been collecting! I got the Atomic Panda Tea Party set in an assortment of colors that is at OMG Gacha that opened today and I really love it! There are a LOT of cute sets in this new gacha event that only lasts two weeks. If you are in need of items, I have lots for sale at my yard sale, Kirsten's Gacha Garden.  I got the boho maxi dress from le fil casse, Rare cow purse from Mooh, and Archangel wings from 7mad...

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