Emma - Kirstentacular


      Uber is still going strong (til Oct 22nd). Gos is there with these shoes and I LOVE the shape of the heel. I don't think I...

     Uber is still going strong (til Oct 22nd). Gos is there with these shoes and I LOVE the shape of the heel. I don't think I have seen one that is exactly this shape in game and I love it. Azuchi is there with the Amber dress and jacket. This jacket is so hot! Collabor88 just started for the new October round and Exile released this short hair that is total cuteness.

Shoes: [Gos] Emma Strap Pumps @ Uber
Dress: [Azuchi] Amber Dress White  @ Uber
Jacket: [Azuchi] Amber Jacket Blue @ Uber
Hair: Exile:: Haunted @ Collabor88
Panties: erratic / delice lingerie - thong / white
Necklace: KUNGLERS - Cibele necklace - Topaz
Pose: Foxcity Cozy 3  @ Uber
Background: -MaisonClose- [Blue]- GuestList Backdrop
Head: CATWA Kimberly
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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