Resolutions Review - Kirstentacular

Resolutions Review

        This round of Uber is fantastic. I fell instantly in love with this Coco outfit and boots and Wasabi Pills hair that are...

        This round of Uber is fantastic. I fell instantly in love with this Coco outfit and boots and Wasabi Pills hair that are both exclusives at the event. I love them together, too! Today is the last day of 2016. I have personally had some ups and downs this year, but overall it has been a good year. I was looking over my New Years Resolutions for 2016. I made five of them and I am not sure how great I did:

Kirsten's SL Resolutions for 2016
1) Spend more quality time with my partner
2) Go to all the Gacha events
3) Get off my platform and do something a few times a week
4) Make new friends that I actually do things in SL with
5) Learn how to make mesh (Battle my Blender Fear!)

1) I really sucked at number one at the beginning of the year, but for the last few months I have been working hard at that one. I will have to ask Hiram for the final verdict at how I did at that one. 

2) Number two was a joke resolution (cause I knew I would have no trouble meeting that one, lol). Pretty sure I did every major gacha event this year, lol. 

3) I did not get off my platform near as often as I should have, lol. I still need to do better with that. 

4) Welp, I still pretty much am alone or spend my time with Hiram. I have met a few new girls that I have spent some time with. I venture out to group events occasionally, but I could definitely work harder on developing my new friendships that I started this year. Hiram and I have also fostered an adorable little girl, Cindy Lu, for this Christmas. She has really been a wonderful addition to our SLives this month. 

5) I did not even open Blender, lol. I looked at it a few times. I looked at  my Blender for Dummies book a few times, lol. My Blender fear definitely won in 2016. 

Overall, I probably just need to continue working on these for 2017. Resolutions are hard, lol.  

How did you do on your 2016 Resolutions and do you have new ones for 2017? Let me know in the comments!

Dress: *COCO*_LaceHemSweaterDress(LightBlue)_Maitreya @Uber
Boots: *COCO*_SuedeOver-the-KneeBoots(Beige)_Maitreya @Uber
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Nyssa  @Uber
Necklace: =Zenith=Dream Catcher Tassel Necklace (Black)
Head: CATWA Destiny
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Skin: Amara beauty - Foxy 02 ivory Catwa Applier
Pose: friday Winter Song Pose 4

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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  1. I did great, since my only resolution was to continue to not make them lol! It's the only one I've ever made and actually kept. :P


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