On My Throne - Kirstentacular

On My Throne

      Everyone was doing sexy pictures with the new Boom Cozy shorts and Teshi tops that are at N21 , but I saw a funny one at the gym ...

      Everyone was doing sexy pictures with the new Boom Cozy shorts and Teshi tops that are at N21, but I saw a funny one at the gym that made me laugh. So I asked plurk for funny ideas and they came up with this one and it made me laugh- so I thought it needed to happen, lol. These shorts have a nice or naughty (shown) version... for whatever your SL needs might be. You have until October 12th to shop N21.

       I don't own a potty in SL, lol. It is one of those things that I have said I will never buy- so I had to go to my friend Alicia's house and borrow hers. I even sprayed air freshener after!

Shorts: *BOOM* Cozy Shorts Maitreya (sugar) @N21
*BOOM* Cozy Shorts Nice/Naughty HUD @N21
Top: *BOOM* Teshi Top Maitreya (o)(o) (rainbow) @N21
Head: CATWA  Kimberly v3.0
Hair: Doe: Esther
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1
Skin: Pink Fuel Adeline
Makeup: Studio Exposure Beaute Eyes and Lips Fatpack
Pose- Mady by me with Anypose
LAQ Decor ~ Toilet (White)
:Cheeky Pea: NorthHaven Bed
{what next} Amelie Blanket Box
22769 - Hanging Plant - Style Two
tarte. sunflowers (yellow)
Onsu ~ "Cucumber" House

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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