Lolas Tango Sunrise - Kirstentacular

Lolas Tango Sunrise

I wanted my first pictures with my new boobs ( Lolas Tango ) to be an atypical picture spread. So I went for pretty, soft pink, form...

I wanted my first pictures with my new boobs (Lolas Tango) to be an atypical picture spread. So I went for pretty, soft pink, formal (rather than short, slutty, and trashy). I was really skeptical of these melons, but I have to say that I do not just like them- I LOVE THEM. I had other prim breasts (not mesh) previously and they were really a pain in the butt. I had to really fit every clothing applier to the boobs. So far with these, the clothes seems to almost fit perfectly with a single click and that is tested over many designers. If you have been thinking about mesh boobs and have been hesitating, the lady wearing them makes a big difference in how they look- so go ahead and take the plunge. I think they are fun!

Formal: ~*~Shar's~*~Love you always peach w/ lolas tango applier
Lipgloss: Blacklace Beauty Kissable Gloss Sugar
Mascara: *BOOM* Express Mascara (one coat)
Shoes: Redgrave Grace - 12colors
Hair: ::Exile:: Loveshack:Vanilla
Boobs: Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts
Jewelry: Donna Flora SPRINGRAIN Set
Skin: Glam Affair - Amberly - Jamaica 09 BL (with lolas tango skin applier)
Pose: {pose maniacs}  Sophie @ Whore Couture Fair 2

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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