First Snow

      I went looking for winter/snow sims today and frankly I was not impressed overall. I found a bunch of regular prim build places t...

      I went looking for winter/snow sims today and frankly I was not impressed overall. I found a bunch of regular prim build places that look stuck in 2007 SL. It is beyond time to switch to mesh, second life, and get with the times- to include trees! I am working on my own little slice of winter bliss at my house in SL and will hopefully use that for my pictures soon. 

        Ducknipple just released a bunch of items under their 20FIVE label- which means a 5 color change HUD and an introductory low price. My sweater dress was in this release in two color packs- a Fresh and a Warm (shown) pack. This sweater dress comes in standard sizes and fitmesh for Maitreya (shown), Physique, and Belleza. You can't beat it for 95L. 

Dress: 20.FIVE Mesh: Huis - Warm (Maitreya) Teleport/ Marketplace
Head: CATWA HEAD Jessica V4.2
Hair: Clawtooth: Snug as a Bug
Drink: erratic / home - hot chocolate heart
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.3
Shoes: Maai Mona Lisa  pumps black/ Teleport
Skin/ Head Applier: Pink Fuel Morgana Peach
Pose: Juxtapose Liquid Courage 4

Other items in this 20FIVE release:
Huis Sweater Dress Fresh/ Marketplace
Guilty Argyle,  Warm, Fresh - Preppy sweater with a white undershirt
Idea Dress/ Marketplace- Sexy little dress
Lately/ Marketplace- Sexy long tube top
Recently/ Jeans/ Marketplace
Alphie Heels/ Marketplace
Kritiek Heels/ Marketplace
Waalzaam Boots/ Marketplace

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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