Professional - Kirstentacular


     I spend a lot of time getting dressed and playing with accessories. However, sometimes you have an event to go to or need an outfi...

     I spend a lot of time getting dressed and playing with accessories. However, sometimes you have an event to go to or need an outfit quick and Ducknipple is there for you with their SLX Outfit Shop that puts together complete outfits from head to toe for just 100L each (Introductory Promo price). Sometimes I wear them as is and sometimes I use them to get started dressing and then change up a few of the parts and pieces. Ducknipple recently released five new SLX outfits and I am wearing most of the sexy new outfit, Pilot. 

Don't like to look like everyone else? There are a lot of limited edition items at Project Limited that will make sure what you are wearing is not owned by the rest of the grid. I am wearing a limited edition jewelry set from Cae. The beautiful D'Anjou set has three sets of multi-faceted stones that color change into 10 different jewel tones independently of each other. There were still a few left when I was there earlier today so hurry over to Project Limited and get your copy before they are all sold out. 

Jewelry: Cae :: D'Anjou :: Necklace and Earrings @ Project Limited
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V2.1
Attachments: Slink Hands and High Feet
SLX Outfit: Pilot - Glasses, Heels, Skirt, Blouse/ SLX on Marketplace/ Teleport
Hair: TRUTH Tulip 2
Skin: Glam Affair - Vera - Jamaica
Pose 1: Eternal Dream Random 04
Poses 2 and 3: Everglow girls 513 and Luth Sex Sells V2 10

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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