Sassy! Crushed Velvet - Kirstentacular

Sassy! Crushed Velvet

Valentine's Day is right around the corner and I love this holiday. It could be because I am in love but there is also all of the...

Valentine's Day is right around the corner and I love this holiday. It could be because I am in love but there is also all of the pink and red and hearts and mooshy stuff everywhere you look that makes me happy. You are going to need a sexy dress for your upcoming Valentine's date and this one comes from Sassy! It was released last summer, but I have been enjoying going back through my items that have Omega appliers and wearing them with my Maitreya Lara mesh body. All of the applier items from Sassy! since last summer contain Omega appliers and are clearly marked on the vendor posters. Take a trip over to Sassy's main store to pick up some items with Omega appliers for your Maitreya body. 

The rest of my items are brand new. My shoes are new by Eudora 3D at the new round of uber that just opened a few days ago. The Lianna pumps come in three color HUD options or a fatpack and the heel/base, main shoe, and straps all change seperately of each other. My hair is by ploom at the Kawaii Project which ends on February 15th. My pose is new from NanTra at the current round of The Liaison Collaborative. My jewelry is a free group gift from Lazuri. The group is pay to join (250L), but it is so worth it because the group gifts are gorgeous and we get them often. Here are some more examples of the new Eudora 3D shoes.

Hair: .ploom. Eskimo @ Kawaii Project
Shoes: Eudora 3D Lianna Pumps @ uber
Jewelry: Lazuri Princess of the Forest  Set *FREE* group gift/ pay to join group
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V2.1
Attachments: Slink Hands and High Feet
Dress: ~Sassy!~ Crushed Velvet - red/ Teleport to Sassy!
Skin: Glam Affair - December skin - Jamaica 04
Pose: {NanTra} Valentine's Secret 4 @ The Liaison Collaborative

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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