Kirsten's Picture Places: Time Portal - Kirstentacular

Kirsten's Picture Places: Time Portal

     I found a cute sim today, Time Portal . It has two portals open currently: 50-60's (shown above) and 20-40's. They als...

     I found a cute sim today, Time Portal. It has two portals open currently: 50-60's (shown above) and 20-40's. They also show a bunch of other portals that are "Coming Soon." You can also teleport "off sim" to other exciting places like 1784 Italy and the Roman Empire. I am excited to see what other places in time this sim builds for us. Check it out and take some pretty pictures!

        Second Life- a game where you can do and be just about anything you can imagine, including travel in time!

        Visit Time Portal in Second Life and see all of Kirsten's Picture Places  (click Sheet 1 if it does not come up that way) for more great photogenic spots. 

Love, Kirsten Corleone

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