Mesh Body Addicts November is Coming Up Roses - Kirstentacular

Mesh Body Addicts November is Coming Up Roses

        Mesh Body Addicts November starts today and I was inspired by the roses that I found in Valentina E. and ILLI 's e...

        Mesh Body Addicts November starts today and I was inspired by the roses that I found in Valentina E. and ILLI's exclusive designs. I love florals in general and roses are some of my favorites. You can find both the Valentina E. Sideways dress and ILLI Rosalynn Rose heels exclusively at November Mesh Body Addicts. This round of the event runs from November 10th to the 30th. Make sure you shop the event this month!

Shoes: ..::ILLI::.. SLink Rosalynn Rose Heels @ Mesh Body Addicts November
Dress: :Valentina E. Sideways Dress  Floral @ Mesh Body Addicts November
Pose Prop: :Picture This! Raining Roses 2
Jewelry: Donna Flora Gabriella Set
Skin: Glam Affair - Nancy Applier ( Catwa / Annie ) America
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Lucrecia
Head: CATWA Destiny V4.9
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Picture Place: Telrunya Winter (See all Kirsten's Picture Places)

Love, Kirsten Corleone 

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